TIMELINEPAGES Digital Marketing Services in Detroit

User Intent Is SEO’s Everything And More

Why Pay Attention to Intent SEO?

User intent is the goal or the interest of a user when visiting a website. When it comes to SEO, it is what they really expect and want to see when they click on your website after typing a keyword on Google. User intent is important because Google focuses on it. There are many benefits to your business as well. If the users can find what they want, they will remain on your site longer. So What is intent SEO?

What is Intent SEO

4 types of search intent for users searching the internet. There are a few distinct types of search intent:

  1. Informational intent
    It could be something like information about the weather. Using words such as What, How, When… An example could be: “what are the side effects of a certain medication?”
  2. Navigational intent
    Searcher is trying to find a website. Such as looking for WebMD website.
  3. Transactional intent
    An example could be the intent of buying a product. An example could be “buy Cat food”.
  4. Commercial investigation
    Asking about which doctor is the best or which and that shows the intent of visiting a doctor in the future.

Ask and Listen

Creating buyer personas is the first step in understanding your existing and future clients. They will help to figure out what are the interests of the people who buy your products, what are their problems, what are their desires, and why they like or don’t like your product. You probably have some information and stats already about your visitors on your site and your buyers. You may use Google Analytics, have an email list, or run advertising campaigns. These tools can give you an idea about their demographics.

Next, you can ask them questions. Many tools can help you achieve that online. You can create a survey on your site about your products, ask questions on social media, or take a good look at complaints and comments. They can show you problems that you did not know they exist.

Intention Is Everything

intent seo

When your visitor has not an intention to buy a product, it will not be easy to turn him into a buyer through your content and your beautiful landing page. The user intention in SEO depends on the keywords. For example, if someone types the keyword “what is SEO”, he just looks for information, and there are not many chances to sell a keyword tool on this visitor yet. When a user searches for a review of a keyword tool, he is one step before making a purchase.

The next thing to consider is what they really want to find on your website. If your content answers their questions and the content is good, they will find interesting and will remain to your site longer. Google will send you more customers because the users are happy from your page, and you will have more chances to convert that traffic. Resource Backlinko

Intent SEO Q&A

Users ask questions on Google and expect answers. When they ask a question directly is easy to understand what they want. However, many times you must figure it out from the keyword. For example, when they search for information about SEO, they want to learn how to get more traffic to their websites and make more sales. Of course, you must include information about what they search but keep in mind their real interests and problems.

Why Work Together for SEO

Gain a dedicated in-house SEO team without hiring a dedicated in-house SEO team. Timelinepages works with your ideas and marketing goals. Meanwhile, you gain valuable SEO insight from a SEO expert that share challenges and solutions for a continuously changing SEO strategy. Call us now to schedule a meeting.

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